News & Match Results at Lindholme Lakes Country Park

Keep up-to-date with all the latest news and events from Lindholme Lakes Country Park. You will also find our Fishing Match Results published here too.

The Winter Cup 2016 results

19 October 2016 Fishing News & Match Results

Saturday October 15
Laurels, Willows and Bonsai Lakes (63 pegs)

1. A Crouch 186-6-0, Willows 35
2. B Fisk 178-10-0, Laurels 4
3. N Speed 151-2-0, Willows 23
4. P Newman 116-5-0, Willows 27
5. M Herrington 102-8-0, Bonsai 59

The second Winter Cup match which was fished in memory of much-loved Lindholme resident Jim Winter, who sadly passed away last year. Over £1,200 was raised for St Benedict’s Hospice via the match and raffle. Winner of the Winter Cup for 2016 was Alan Crouch who took a big catch of F1s from Willows 35 fishing mainly shallow with casters. He prevented last year’s champion Ben Fisk from taking the cup again, Ben drew peg 4 on Laurels and had an F1 catch on similar tactics, with four bonus carp too. Thanks to the Grantham family, Lynn Winter and all who turned up to take part.