Strip Lake
Our smallest water, the 1 acre Strip pond has 24 permanent pegs. Fishing is from both sides of this rectangular pond and it’s the perfect place for small club matches. You’ll find consistent sport on this lake all year round with parking close by at either end of the lake. Strip is around 4ft deep all the way around.
Strip has plenty of common and mirror carp which average 3 – 8lb, plus a big head of F1s from 1lb 8oz to 2lb. You’ll find lots of barbel in the corner pegs and edges too, plus tench, big perch, skimmers, ide, chub and roach.
Favoured Pegs
The four corner pegs 1,12,13 and 24 can all have their days, especially if the wind is blowing in. These edges are quite deep so it can pay to dob bread or corn skins here in winter, or fish pellets shallow in summer. In the middle of the lake anywhere can produce but 8-10 and 14-17 are favoured.

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A long pole line around 13m out is often best, loosefeeding the fishery’s 4mm hard pellets. You can sometimes catch F1s up-in-the-water but if not you’ll find proper carp feeding on the bottom to a banded hard pellet. Corn or paste will also work well for these fish. In the corner pegs strong gear is needed to pull the fish away from the reeds and undercut banks.
The margins are also worth a go later on in the day, but you tend to catch better here on the road bank of the lake where there is heavy reed cover. Try and get as tight in to the bank as you can.
If there is nobody pegged on the other side of the lake, try casting a Method feeder across to the platform opposite too.
The fish on Strip can shoal quite tightly so explore the whole peg to find them. Both expander pellets and corn work well on the long pole, feeding frugally. You can catch silverfish closer in with maggots, casters and a bit of groundbait. Set up a bomb rod too.

Top Tip
On Strip try starting a match on a top kit plus two sections line for a quick fish. Then go out onto the 13m pole but keep feeding the short line with pellet or corn. You can come back to the short line in the last 90 minutes and it’s often solid with carp and big F1s.
Tommy Pickering, 1989 World Champion, former world match record holder